en pointe vs on point:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はen pointeです。

en pointe or on point? : 意味と違い

「en pointe」と「on point」は異なる文脈で使われます。「en pointe」はバレエ用語で、つま先立ちの姿勢を指します。一方、「on point」は、何かが正確である、または適切であることを意味します。例えば、ファッションやプレゼンテーションの評価に使われることが多いです。つまり、前者は技術的な動作、後者は評価や状態を表す言葉です。

  • en pointeの例文

    H例文でのen pointeの用法

    The ballerina performed en pointe with incredible grace and precision.

    In the world of ballet, dancing en pointe is a significant milestone for any dancer.

    She felt a sense of accomplishment after mastering the en pointe technique.

    The performance was breathtaking, especially when the dancers went en pointe during the finale.

    To dance en pointe, one must have strong ankles and a lot of practice.

    The instructor emphasized the importance of proper technique when dancing en pointe.

    Her favorite part of the routine was when she could finally go en pointe.

    The audience was mesmerized by the dancers who executed their moves en pointe flawlessly.

    Learning to dance en pointe requires dedication and perseverance from every ballerina.

    The costume designer created beautiful shoes specifically for dancing en pointe.

  • on pointの例文

    例文でのon pointの用法

    The presentation was on point, capturing everyone's attention.

    Her fashion sense is always on point, making her stand out in any crowd.

    The chef's dish was on point, perfectly balancing flavors and textures.

    His argument was on point, addressing all the key issues effectively.

    The movie's cinematography was on point, showcasing stunning visuals.

    Her timing in the performance was on point, impressing the audience.

    The feedback from the team was on point, helping to improve the project.

    The design of the website is on point, making it user-friendly and attractive.

    His jokes were on point, keeping the crowd laughing throughout the show.

    The marketing strategy was on point, leading to a significant increase in sales.

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