crummy vs crumby:どちらが正しい?


crummy or crumby? : 意味と違い


  • crummyの例文


    I can't believe I wasted my money on such a crummy movie.

    The weather was so crummy that we decided to stay indoors all day.

    She felt crummy after eating too much junk food at the party.

    His crummy attitude made it hard for anyone to enjoy the event.

    I had a crummy day at work and just wanted to go home and relax.

    The hotel room was crummy, with stains on the carpet and a broken shower.

    I don't want to wear these crummy shoes anymore; they hurt my feet.

    The food at the diner was crummy, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

    After the crummy performance, the audience was left feeling disappointed.

    I can't stand this crummy internet connection; it keeps dropping out.

  • crumbyの例文


    The hotel room was so crumby that we decided to check out early.

    I can't believe I wasted my money on such a crumby meal.

    His performance was crumby, and the audience was not impressed.

    After a long day, all I wanted was to relax, but my couch was too crumby to sit on.

    The weather was crumby, making it hard to enjoy our picnic.

    She felt crumby about forgetting her friend's birthday.

    The movie received crumby reviews from critics and audiences alike.

    I found a crumby old book in the attic that I used to love.

    His excuses for being late were just crumby and unconvincing.

    The crumby conditions of the road made our trip much longer than expected.

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