choir vs chorus:どちらが正しい?


choir or chorus? : 意味と違い


  • choirの例文


    The choir performed beautifully at the concert.

    She has been a member of the choir for five years.

    The choir sang a lovely rendition of the classic song.

    He was nervous about auditioning for the choir.

    The local choir practices every Wednesday evening.

    They invited the choir to sing at the wedding.

    The choir director is very talented and inspiring.

    Our school choir won first place in the competition.

    The choir will be traveling to perform in Europe next summer.

    Listening to the choir always lifts my spirits.

  • chorusの例文


    The chorus of the song was incredibly catchy and stayed in my head all day.

    During the performance, the chorus was sung by the entire audience, creating a magical atmosphere.

    She always loved to sing the chorus of her favorite songs in the shower.

    The chorus of the play received a standing ovation for their outstanding performance.

    In the chorus of the poem, the author expresses deep emotions about love and loss.

    The chorus echoed through the hall, filling it with beautiful harmonies.

    He wrote a new chorus for the song that made it even more memorable.

    The chorus of the anthem united everyone in a moment of pride and joy.

    As the chorus reached its peak, the crowd erupted in applause.

    The chorus serves as a reminder of the themes explored throughout the story.

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