cannot vs can not:どちらが正しい?


cannot or can not? : 意味と違い

「cannot」と「can not」は、どちらも「できない」という意味ですが、使い方に違いがあります。「cannot」は一つの単語で、能力や可能性がないことを示します。一方、「can not」は二つの単語で、特定の状況で「できない」ということを強調する際に使われることがあります。例えば、「I cannot swim」は泳げないことを示し、「I can not go to the party」はパーティーに行けない理由があることを強調しています。

  • cannotの例文


    I cannot believe how quickly time flies.

    She cannot attend the meeting due to a prior commitment.

    You cannot underestimate the power of hard work.

    They cannot find their way without a map.

    He cannot finish the project on his own.

    We cannot ignore the importance of education.

    The dog cannot reach the food on the table.

    I cannot wait to see you again.

    You cannot change the past, but you can shape the future.

    She cannot help but smile when she sees the puppy.

  • can notの例文

    例文でのcan notの用法

    I can not believe how fast time flies.

    She can not attend the meeting due to a prior commitment.

    They can not find their way back home without a map.

    He can not finish the project on his own.

    You can not ignore the importance of education.

    We can not afford to make any mistakes in this situation.

    The dog can not reach the food on the top shelf.

    I can not understand why she is upset.

    You can not expect to succeed without hard work.

    They can not go outside because of the heavy rain.

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