burned vs burnt:どちらが正しい?


burned or burnt? : 意味と違い


  • burnedの例文


    The candle burned brightly in the dark room.

    She burned the toast while trying to make breakfast.

    The fire burned for hours before it was finally extinguished.

    He burned his hand on the hot stove.

    The sun burned down on us during our hike.

    They burned the old documents to protect their privacy.

    The athlete burned through the competition with ease.

    Her passion for art burned fiercely within her.

    The forest burned in the wildfire, leaving behind ashes.

    He burned the midnight oil to finish his project on time.

  • burntの例文


    The toast was burnt to a crisp this morning.

    She had a burnt orange dress that looked stunning on her.

    After the campfire, the logs were burnt and smoldering.

    He accidentally burnt his hand while cooking dinner.

    The burnt smell lingered in the kitchen for hours.

    They found a burnt piece of paper in the fireplace.

    The burnt edges of the photograph gave it a vintage look.

    She loved the flavor of burnt marshmallows over the fire.

    The burnt offering was a significant part of the ritual.

    His burnt memories of the accident still haunted him.

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