blonde vs blond:どちらが正しい?


blonde or blond? : 意味と違い


  • blondeの例文


    The blonde girl walked into the room with a bright smile.

    He admired her blonde hair shining in the sunlight.

    She wore a blonde wig for the costume party last night.

    The blonde dog ran happily in the park.

    Everyone complimented her on her blonde highlights.

    He always preferred blonde beers over darker ones.

    The movie featured a blonde actress in the lead role.

    They painted the walls a soft blonde color to brighten the space.

    Her blonde friend helped her choose the perfect outfit.

    The blonde sunset painted the sky in beautiful hues.

  • blondの例文


    The girl with blond hair caught everyone's attention at the party.

    He decided to dye his hair blond for the summer.

    Her blond highlights added a touch of brightness to her look.

    The blond dog ran happily in the park.

    Many people admire the blond locks of the model on the cover.

    He was often teased for his blond curls in school.

    The blond sunset painted the sky in beautiful hues.

    She wore a blond wig for the costume party.

    His blond beard made him look distinguished.

    The blond actress starred in the latest blockbuster film.

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