bear vs bare:どちらが正しい?


bear or bare? : 意味と違い

「bear」と「bare」は異なる意味を持つ単語です。「bear」は「持つ」や「耐える」という意味で、動詞として使われます。一方、「bare」は「裸の」や「むき出しの」という意味で、形容詞として使われます。例えば、「I can't bear the pain.」(私はその痛みに耐えられない)と「The tree is bare in winter.」(その木は冬に裸だ)というように使い分けられます。文脈によって意味が変わるため、注意が必要です。

  • bearの例文


    The mother bear protects her cubs fiercely.

    He couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

    They decided to bear the burden together.

    The bear climbed the tree to find food.

    She had to bear with the noise during the construction.

    He was too young to bear such heavy responsibilities.

    The bear wandered through the forest in search of berries.

    I can't bear to see you upset.

    The bear is a symbol of strength and courage.

    They will bear witness to the event in court.

  • bareの例文


    The tree stood bare against the winter sky.

    She walked on the bare floor without any shoes.

    His bare hands were cold in the winter air.

    The bare walls of the room needed some decoration.

    He felt bare and vulnerable without his armor.

    The bare essentials for camping include a tent and sleeping bag.

    She wore a bare minimum of makeup for the event.

    The bare truth is often hard to accept.

    The bare branches swayed gently in the breeze.

    They left the bare table untouched after dinner.

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