bath vs bathe:どちらが正しい?


bath or bathe? : 意味と違い

「bath」と「bathe」は異なる意味を持つ単語です。「bath」は名詞で、入浴や浴槽を指します。一方、「bathe」は動詞で、体を洗ったり、入浴したりする行為を表します。例えば、「I took a bath」(私は入浴した)という文では「bath」が使われ、「I like to bathe in the evening」(私は夕方に入浴するのが好き)では「bathe」が使われます。つまり、前者は物を指し、後者は行動を指します。

  • bathの例文


    I love to take a long bath after a tiring day.

    She filled the tub with warm water for her evening bath.

    The children splashed water everywhere during their bath time.

    He enjoys reading a book while soaking in the bath.

    After the hike, a refreshing bath was exactly what I needed.

    The hotel room had a luxurious bath with a stunning view.

    She added lavender oil to her bath for relaxation.

    The bath was too hot, so I let some cold water in.

    He always listens to music while taking a bath.

    A quick bath can help clear your mind before bed.

  • batheの例文


    I love to bathe in the warm sun during summer.

    After a long day, I like to bathe in a hot tub to relax.

    The children were excited to bathe the puppy after playing outside.

    She decided to bathe in the ocean to cool off from the heat.

    It's important to bathe regularly to maintain good hygiene.

    He likes to bathe in the river when the weather is nice.

    They planned to bathe in the lake during their camping trip.

    The doctor advised her to bathe with Epsom salts for her sore muscles.

    I always feel refreshed after I bathe in the morning.

    The spa offers a special treatment where you can bathe in herbal infusions.

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