bail vs bale:どちらが正しい?


bail or bale? : 意味と違い


  • bailの例文


    The judge decided to grant him bail after reviewing the evidence.

    She had to bail out her friend who was in trouble.

    He was relieved when he was able to post bail and go home.

    The defendant's family struggled to gather the money for his bail.

    After a long night in jail, she finally got a chance to arrange for bail.

    The lawyer explained the conditions of the bail to his client.

    If he skips his court date, he will lose his bail money.

    They were worried that he might not be able to afford the bail amount.

    The bail system can sometimes favor the wealthy over the poor.

    She felt a sense of freedom once she was released on bail.

  • baleの例文


    The farmer stacked the bale of hay in the barn.

    She carried a bale of cotton to the market.

    The bale of straw was used for animal bedding.

    He opened the bale to check the quality of the contents.

    They delivered a bale of wool to the textile factory.

    The bale was too heavy for her to lift alone.

    We saw a bale floating down the river during our hike.

    The artist used a bale of fabric for her latest project.

    After the storm, the bale of hay was scattered across the field.

    The bale of paper was delivered to the office for printing.

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