bad vs badly:どちらが正しい?


bad or badly? : 意味と違い


  • badの例文


    The weather today is really bad.

    I had a bad experience at the restaurant.

    His attitude towards the project was quite bad.

    She felt bad about forgetting her friend's birthday.

    The movie received bad reviews from critics.

    It's bad manners to interrupt someone while they are speaking.

    He made a bad decision that cost him a lot of money.

    The bad news spread quickly through the office.

    I think this is a bad idea for our team.

    The bad smell in the kitchen was unbearable.

  • badlyの例文


    I felt badly about missing the meeting.

    She performed badly on the exam despite studying hard.

    The team played badly in the first half of the game.

    He was treated badly by his colleagues at work.

    The weather turned badly during our vacation.

    I badly need a vacation after this stressful week.

    She spoke badly of her former employer in the interview.

    The project was managed badly, leading to many delays.

    He was badly injured in the accident last night.

    They badly underestimated the time required to complete the task.

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