anytime vs any time:どちらが正しい?


anytime or any time? : 意味と違い

「anytime」と「any time」は似ていますが、使い方に違いがあります。「anytime」は副詞で、特定の時間に関係なくいつでもという意味です。一方、「any time」は名詞句で、特定の時間を指す場合に使われます。例えば、「You can call me anytime.」は「いつでも電話していいよ。」という意味です。「Let me know if you have any time to talk.」は「話す時間があれば教えて。」という意味になります。

  • anytimeの例文


    I can help you with that anytime.

    You can call me anytime you need assistance.

    Let's meet for coffee anytime this week.

    I am available anytime you want to discuss the project.

    Feel free to reach out anytime you have questions.

    I will be here for you anytime you need support.

    You can visit me anytime during office hours.

    I can help you with your homework anytime you ask.

    Don't hesitate to text me anytime you feel like chatting.

    I will always be ready to help anytime you require it.

  • any timeの例文

    例文でのany timeの用法

    I can help you with that. Here are the sentences: You can call me any time if you need assistance. I’m available for a chat any time you want. Feel free to drop by any time during office hours. I’ll be here any time you decide to visit. You can reach out to me any time via email. Let me know any time you’re ready to start the project. I can meet you any time that works for you. You can ask questions any time during the lecture. I’ll support you any time you feel overwhelmed. Remember, I’m just a text away any time you need me.

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