anymore vs any more:どちらが正しい?


anymore or any more? : 意味と違い

「anymore」と「any more」は、主に使われる文脈が異なります。「anymore」は主に否定文で使われ、もはや〜ないという意味を持ちます。一方、「any more」は数量を尋ねる際や肯定文で使われ、「もっと〜」という意味になります。例えば、「I don't want to go there anymore.」(もうそこには行きたくない)と「Do you want any more coffee?」(コーヒーはもっと欲しいですか?)のように使われます。文脈によって使い分けることが重要です。

  • anymoreの例文


    I don't want to see that movie anymore.

    She doesn't live here anymore.

    We can't go to that restaurant anymore.

    He doesn't play soccer anymore.

    I don't feel the same way anymore.

    They don't talk to each other anymore.

    I can't eat spicy food anymore.

    She doesn't work at that company anymore.

    We don't hang out like we used to anymore.

    He doesn't believe in that idea anymore.

  • any moreの例文

    例文でのany moreの用法

    I don't want to hear about that any more.

    Are you going to eat any more of that cake?

    She can't take any more of this stress.

    Do you have any more questions for me?

    I can't believe you don't want to play any more.

    He said he won't be coming any more.

    We shouldn't discuss this any more.

    I don't think I can handle any more surprises.

    Is there any more coffee left in the pot?

    I don't want to see you any more.

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