all together vs altogether:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はall togetherです。

all together or altogether? : 意味と違い

「all together」と「altogether」は異なる意味を持ちます。「all together」は「みんな一緒に」という意味で、グループや人々が一緒にいることを示します。一方、「altogether」は「全体として」や「完全に」という意味で、全体の状況や合計を表現します。例えば、「私たちは公園で全員一緒に遊んだ(all together)」と「彼は全体として良い人だ(altogether)」のように使われます。文脈によって使い分けることが重要です。

  • all togetherの例文

    H例文でのall togetherの用法

    We decided to go on a trip all together for the summer vacation.

    The team worked all together to complete the project on time.

    During the family reunion, we laughed and shared stories all together.

    The children sang the song all together at the school concert.

    We should celebrate our success all together at the end of the month.

    The friends gathered all together to watch the big game on TV.

    For the charity event, we need to come all together to make a difference.

    The community came all together to support the local fundraiser.

    In the end, we realized that we are stronger when we stand all together.

    Let's make sure we are all together before the meeting starts.

  • altogetherの例文


    The project was a success, and we were altogether pleased with the results.

    She decided to leave the party early, feeling altogether exhausted.

    The team worked altogether well together, achieving their goals efficiently.

    He felt altogether different after his vacation, refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges.

    The weather was altogether perfect for a day at the beach.

    They were altogether surprised by the unexpected announcement.

    The movie was altogether captivating, keeping us on the edge of our seats.

    After the meeting, the atmosphere was altogether more relaxed.

    The book was altogether fascinating, filled with intriguing characters and plot twists.

    In the end, it was altogether a memorable experience for everyone involved.

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