all of a sudden vs all of the sudden

一番よく使われている表現はall of a suddenです。


「all of a sudden」と「all of the sudden」は、どちらも「突然に」という意味で使われますが、主に「all of a sudden」が一般的です。「all of the sudden」は口語的で、特定の地域で使われることが多いです。文法的には「all of a sudden」が正しいとされますが、意味はほぼ同じです。どちらも予期しない出来事を表現する際に使われます。使用する際は、相手や場面に応じて選ぶと良いでしょう。

  • all of a sudden

    I was walking in the park when all of a sudden it started to rain.

    She was calm, but all of a sudden she burst into tears.

    The lights went out, and all of a sudden we were in complete darkness.

    He was telling a story, and all of a sudden everyone started laughing.

    All of a sudden, the car swerved and almost hit the tree.

    I was reading my book when all of a sudden I heard a loud noise.

    All of a sudden, she decided to change her career path.

    The cat was sleeping, and all of a sudden it jumped up in fright.

    All of a sudden, the meeting was canceled without any explanation.

    They were having a nice dinner when all of a sudden the fire alarm went off.

  • all of the sudden

    I was walking in the park when all of the sudden it started to rain.

    She was telling a story, and all of the sudden everyone burst out laughing.

    The lights went out all of the sudden, leaving us in complete darkness.

    He was calm, but all of the sudden he became very anxious.

    They were having a nice dinner when all of the sudden the fire alarm went off.

    I was focused on my work, and all of the sudden I received an unexpected call.

    The cat was sleeping peacefully, and all of the sudden it jumped up in fright.

    We were enjoying the concert when all of the sudden the music stopped.

    She was fine just a moment ago, but all of the sudden she felt dizzy.

    The weather was nice, and all of the sudden a storm rolled in.

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