advisor vs adviser:どちらが正しい?


advisor or adviser? : 意味と違い


  • advisorの例文


    The advisor provided valuable insights during the meeting.

    She decided to consult her advisor before making a final decision.

    The advisor helped him navigate the complexities of his career path.

    As a financial advisor, he always prioritizes his clients' needs.

    The university advisor offered guidance on course selection.

    Her advisor encouraged her to pursue her passion for art.

    He relied on his advisor for support during challenging times.

    The advisor recommended several books for further reading.

    She felt grateful for her advisor's mentorship throughout her studies.

    The advisor played a crucial role in the project's success.

  • adviserの例文


    The student sought help from her adviser to improve her grades.

    He acted as a trusted adviser during the project.

    The adviser provided valuable insights on career choices.

    She felt grateful for her adviser's support throughout her studies.

    The adviser recommended several books for further reading.

    As a financial adviser, he helped clients plan for retirement.

    The adviser encouraged her to pursue her passion for art.

    During the meeting, the adviser shared important updates.

    The adviser played a crucial role in the team's success.

    Students often rely on their adviser for guidance and advice.

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