acknowledgment vs acknowledgement:どちらが正しい?


acknowledgment or acknowledgement? : 意味と違い


  • acknowledgmentの例文


    The professor received an acknowledgment for his groundbreaking research.

    Her heartfelt acknowledgment of his efforts made him feel appreciated.

    In the meeting, the manager made an acknowledgment of the team's hard work.

    The book included an acknowledgment section thanking all contributors.

    His acknowledgment of the mistake helped to resolve the issue quickly.

    She sent a formal acknowledgment of receipt for the package.

    The acknowledgment of the award was a proud moment for the entire team.

    An acknowledgment of the challenges faced can lead to better solutions.

    The letter contained an acknowledgment of the support received from the community.

    Her acknowledgment of the problem was the first step towards finding a solution.

  • acknowledgementの例文


    The acknowledgement of her hard work was appreciated by everyone in the team.

    His acknowledgement of the mistake helped to resolve the issue quickly.

    The acknowledgement letter arrived just in time for the meeting.

    She received an acknowledgement from the publisher regarding her manuscript.

    The acknowledgement of the award was a proud moment for him.

    In her speech, she made an acknowledgement of the support from her family.

    The acknowledgement of the contributions made by volunteers is essential.

    He sent an acknowledgement email to confirm receipt of the documents.

    The acknowledgement of cultural differences is important in global business.

    Their acknowledgement of the challenges ahead was both realistic and inspiring.

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