accept vs except:どちらが正しい?


accept or except? : 意味と違い

「accept」と「except」は異なる意味を持つ単語です。「accept」は「受け入れる」という意味で、何かを承認したり、受け取ったりすることを指します。一方、「except」は「除外する」という意味で、特定のものを除いたり、外したりすることを表します。例えば、「I accept your invitation(私はあなたの招待を受け入れます)」と「Everyone is invited except John(ジョンを除いて全員が招待されています)」のように使われます。

  • acceptの例文


    I am happy to accept your invitation to the party.

    She decided to accept the job offer after careful consideration.

    It is important to accept constructive criticism to improve your skills.

    He was reluctant to accept the truth about the situation.

    They will accept applications until the end of the month.

    You must accept the terms and conditions before proceeding.

    The committee will accept proposals from all interested parties.

    I cannot accept your apology if you do not mean it.

    To grow as a person, you need to accept your flaws and work on them.

    The school will accept students from diverse backgrounds.

  • exceptの例文


    I like all fruits except apples.

    She finished all her homework except the last question.

    Everyone attended the meeting except John.

    We can go to the park except when it rains.

    He enjoys all sports except basketball.

    The store is open every day except Sunday.

    I read every book in the series except the last one.

    They invited everyone except their neighbor.

    You can choose any color except red.

    She sings beautifully except when she has a cold.

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