a while vs awhile:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はa whileです。

a while or awhile? : 意味と違い

「a while」は名詞句で、「しばらくの間」という意味です。一方、「awhile」は副詞で、「しばらくの間に」という意味で使われます。例えば、「I will wait for a while.」(しばらくの間待ちます)と「Please sit down awhile.」(しばらく座ってください)のように使い分けます。文脈によって使い方が異なるため、注意が必要です。

  • a whileの例文

    H例文でのa whileの用法

    I haven't seen you in a while.

    Let's sit down and talk for a while.

    It takes a while to get used to the new software.

    She plans to travel for a while before starting her job.

    We should wait here for a while until the rain stops.

    He hasn't played the guitar in a while.

    After a while, you will notice the changes in your routine.

    It might take a while to finish this project.

    I will call you back in a while.

    They decided to stay at the beach for a while longer.

  • awhileの例文


    I decided to sit down and relax for awhile.

    She asked if I could wait awhile before making a decision.

    Let's take a break and enjoy the view for awhile.

    He promised to call me back after awhile.

    The movie was so good that I wanted to think about it for awhile.

    I haven't seen her in awhile, and I miss our chats.

    It’s nice to unwind and do nothing for awhile.

    They stayed at the café and talked for awhile.

    After working hard, it's important to rest awhile.

    I plan to travel and explore new places for awhile.

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