a few vs few:どちらが正しい?

一番よく使われている表現はa fewです。

a few or few? : 意味と違い

「a few」と「few」は、数量を表す表現ですが、意味が異なります。「a few」は「いくつかの」という肯定的なニュアンスを持ち、少なくとも2つ以上のものがあることを示します。一方、「few」は「ほとんどない」という否定的なニュアンスを持ち、期待される数に対して不足していることを示します。例えば、「a few friends」は「数人の友達」を意味し、「few friends」は「友達がほとんどいない」という意味になります。したがって、使い方によって印象が大きく変わります。

  • a fewの例文

    H例文でのa fewの用法

    I have a few ideas for the project.

    She bought a few apples from the market.

    There are a few options to consider for dinner.

    He made a few mistakes on the test.

    We should invite a few friends over this weekend.

    I need a few minutes to finish my work.

    They found a few interesting books at the library.

    Can you lend me a few dollars until payday?

    I saw a few birds in the park today.

    There are a few things I want to discuss with you.

  • fewの例文


    The few apples left in the basket are ripe.

    She has few friends who understand her.

    There are few options available for dinner tonight.

    He made few mistakes on the test, which is impressive.

    I have few doubts about the plan we discussed.

    They encountered few problems during their journey.

    She received few compliments on her presentation.

    There are few reasons to be concerned about the weather.

    He has few interests outside of work.

    The few moments we spent together were unforgettable.

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