when it is convenient vs at your earliest convenience

一番よく使われている表現はat your earliest convenienceです。


"At your earliest convenience"が "when it is convenient"よりも丁寧ですが、より緊急性がある場合に使用されます。

  • at your earliest convenience


    Please feel free to call me at your earliest convenience.

    Please contact the nearest maintenance facility at your earliest convenience.

    Please call the hospital staff at your earliest convenience.

    Please return my phone correspondence at your earliest convenience.

    Just please come see me at your earliest convenience.

    He wants to see you, sir, at your earliest convenience.

    Lydia, please give up my spare house key at your earliest convenience.

    So if you'd stop by my Austin office at your earliest convenience, that would be great.

    If you would like to join me, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

    Mr Ashton, this is Sergeant Hathaway again, please call me back at your earliest convenience - thank you.

    I've talked to my pastor about you, and he's willing to meet you at your earliest convenience.

    So I guess if you could swing by at your earliest convenience, that would be amazing.

    You need to contact us please, at your earliest convenience.

  • when it is convenient


    Just give me a call when it is convenient for you.

    When it is convenient, you should schedule an appointment to have that checked out.

    Do you know when it is most convenient to meet?

    When it is convenient to visit, please come and make yourself at home.

    When is it convenient for you to arrive?

    Let her know what the situation is when it is convenient for both of you to talk.

    If you have a moment when it is convenient, please visit with me in my office.

    When it is convenient, please empty the garbage in the lunch room.

    I don't know when I'll be available, but I'll let you know when it is most convenient for me.

    Please let my receptionist know what time is most convenient for your schedule.

    When is most convenient for you to come over?

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