该用 check 还是 cheque?

check 是人们最常用的表达方式。

区分 check 和 cheque?:意思和差异

"Check" 和 "cheque" 的主要区别在于拼写和使用地区。"Check" 是美国英语中的拼写,而 "cheque" 是英国英语中的拼写。两者的意思相同,都是指一种支付工具,用于从银行账户中提取资金。除此之外,"check" 在美国英语中还有其他含义,如检查、核对等。总的来说,选择哪个词取决于你所使用的英语变体。

  • check的例句

    例句中 check 的用法

    I need to check my email before the meeting.

    Please check the temperature before going outside.

    Don't forget to check your answers before submitting the test.

    Can you check if the door is locked?

    I will check the schedule for our next appointment.

    Make sure to check the expiration date on the milk.

    You should check your bank account for any unusual activity.

    Let me check the map to find the best route.

    I always check the weather forecast before planning a trip.

    It's important to check your work for any mistakes.

  • cheque的例句

    例句中 cheque 的用法

    The landlord asked me to pay the rent with a cheque.

    I received a cheque as a birthday gift from my grandparents.

    She wrote a cheque to donate to the charity event.

    After the meeting, he handed me a cheque for the project expenses.

    I always prefer to pay with a cheque rather than cash.

    The bank processed my cheque and deposited the funds into my account.

    He forgot to sign the cheque, so it couldn't be cashed.

    I need to order some new cheque books for my business.

    The cheque bounced because there were insufficient funds in the account.

    She was relieved when the cheque finally cleared after a week.

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