該用 requester 還是 requestor?

requester 是較常見的用法。

區別 requester 和 requestor:意思和差異


  • requester 的例句

    例句中 requester 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 3,010,000 筆

    "The requester is acting on behalf of the following proprietor and user of the mineral spring Höllen Sprudel and therefore possesses a legitimate interest in the cancellation request.

    This field contains error messages resulting from transactions, which will be sent back to the requester as part of an Error Transaction.

    The controller shall only grant the request if the requester's identity and, if relevant, their entitlement to represent the data subject have been appropriately verified.

    The DPO shall send an acknowledgement of receipt to the requester within 20 working days of receipt of the request.

    Further to requests for information concerning another Community institution or body, the official shall direct the requester to that institution or body.

    If the change request is not validated, the European Railway Agency shall send back to the requester either the reason for the rejection or a request for additional information about the draft change request.

    In the event of obvious misuse of the right to request an investigation, the DPO shall not be obliged to report back to the requester.

    The DPO shall report back to the requester within three calendar months of receipt of the request.

    Further to requests for information on matters for which he or she has no responsibility, the official shall direct the requester to the competent person and indicate his or her name and telephone number.

    Before the end of the third month following that of the request referred to in paragraph 2, the Member State concerned shall inform the requester of the reference number allocated to it and of the action taken.

    Before the end of the third month following that of the request referred to in paragraph 2, the Member State concerned shall inform the requester of the reference number allocated to it and of the action taken.

    • Unesco applies a quota system, whereby the interpretation days exceeding the quota are charged back to the meeting requester.
  • requestor 的例句

    例句中 requestor 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 134,000 筆

    BoI've heard people insist "requester"" is correct for a person who requests something, and that "requestor" is wrong there, ...

    I'm having a problem with the word requester. Or is it requestor? I've looked at several online dictionaries and can't find a distinction between the two words.

    Requestor is a multichannel helpdesk which allows you to operate customer support as well as internal team requests from email, phone, or chat.

    The two words mean tha same thing. Requestor is the older form, derived from the Latin ending -or, which is translated "one who".

    Requestor means any person, including a public body or an official thereof, making a request for access to a record of the Company and includes any person acting ...

    Give your inquiry to the official requestor, who will forward your question to the proper authorities.

    I am not an asker, I am a requestor.

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