該用 moving forward 還是 going forward?

moving forward 是較常見的用法。

區別 moving forward 和 going forward:意思和差異

「Moving forward」通常表示積極主動的進步,強調通過克服障礙或改善情況所採取的實際步驟。相比之下,「going forward」更多地指向展望或規劃未來,著重於策略性或哲學性的考量。雖然這兩個短語都表達了對未來的關注,「moving forward」常常關注於具體的行動,而「going forward」則強調未來的意圖和方向。總的來說,兩者都強調了對未來成長的承諾,但它們在如何實現未來的方面有著細微的差別。

  • moving forward 的例句

    例句中 moving forward 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 6,213,000 筆

    Today is about celebrating her and moving forward.

    Look, the important thing is that you're always moving forward.

    I'm moving forward with Mine.

    You know, we actually have a couple of griffin projects that are moving forward.

    That's exactly how we make choices--by moving forward.

    Davenport won't risk moving forward if there's an outsider who knows about this.

    Feels like both our lives are really moving forward.

    I was hoping, moving forward, things could be different.

    No, he's moving forward, and quickly.

    Okay, the campaign staff search is moving forward.

    Moving forward, I think we need to have a better plan for these tasks.

    Moving forward, you are no longer allowed on the computer in the evening, son.

  • going forward 的例句

    例句中 going forward 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 2,907,000 筆

    There are a few stipulations, though, going forward.

    Then, we have no choice other than going forward with our original strategy.

    We got to be really careful going forward.

    We're going forward with renewables.

    There's a lot of good opportunities, going forward.

    That's what we have to contemplate going forward.

    I want there to be... a consensus going forward.

    Yet, subconsciously, you seem to be resisting going forward.

    And that civil lawsuit is still going forward, right?

    I'll continue to ask for your help going forward.

    Going forward, this new law will prevent such things from taking place.

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