it is greatly appreciated vs it is appreciated greatly

It is greatly appreciated 是較常見的用法。


「It is greatly appreciated」強調了感謝的深度,因為「greatly」修飾了整個句子,顯得更加正式和優雅。相比之下,「It is appreciated greatly」雖然也表達了強烈的感激,但將「greatly」放在句尾,稍微轉移了焦點,使語氣感覺更輕鬆。雖然這兩個短語都傳達了深刻的感激之情,但前者通常會顯得更正式,而後者則顯得更自然。總體而言,它們的意義相似,但在重點和語氣上有些微差異。

  • It is greatly appreciated 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 10,983,332 筆

    It is greatly appreciated whenever you bring us our mail on time.

    Your presence at the wedding was greatly appreciated.

    It is greatly appreciated if you keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

    It would be greatly appreciated if you could bring a few people to my party this weekend.

    Thank you for giving us your sincere condolences. It is greatly appreciated.

    I didn't get a chance to thank you for the lovely wedding gift. It is greatly appreciated and we loved it!

  • It is appreciated greatly 的例句

    搜尋結果約有 198,704 筆

    It is appreciated greatly whenever someone performs a random act of kindness on the streets.

    We thank you for your continued membership. It is appreciated greatly in times like these.

    It was appreciated greatly when the king visited his loyal subjects.

    Did you say that it is appreciated greatly if we bring our own drinks to this event?

    It is always appreciated greatly (more than just "good") whenever someone takes their shoes off in the house without having to be asked.

    It is appreciated greatly by the majority of people when you dress in your unique fashion.

    The show was appreciated greatly and celebrated by the unwashed masses.

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