該用 How long does it take 還是 how long it takes?

How long does it take 是較常見的用法。

區別 How long does it take 和 how long it takes:意思和差異

「How long does it take」用來詢問完成某項特定任務所需的時間,強調對時間資訊的需求。相對而言,「how long it takes」則是陳述性語句,用來描述某項活動或事件所需的時間,通常用於提供回答或陳述事實。前者尋求具體的回答,而後者則關注時間的實際長度。雖然這兩者都涉及時間,但它們的語法結構決定了它們在對話中的不同用法。

  • How long does it take 的例句

    例句中 How long does it take 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 92,300,000 筆

    I mean on average... how long does it take?

    How long does it take to do something so simple?

    So the question is: how long does it take to complete the procedure?

    How expensive is it? Does it hurt? How long does it take? Get the answers to your questions about dental implants.

    Chinese Tok. How long does it take?

    How long does it take to make a homemade cherry pie?

    When you write on your photographs, how long does it take?

    All right, but how long does it take?

    General withdrawals: How long does it take? How do i receive my winnings?

    And how long does it take?

    How long does is usually take to complete this kind of project?

    How long does it take to adopt a kitten from this shelter?

  • how long it takes 的例句

    例句中 how long it takes 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 20,000,000 筆

    The architect's model - do you know how long it takes to construct a building on average?

    Who knows how long it will take?

    what the procedures are for obtaining this information and how long it will take?

    When can we call and how long will it take?

    When you write on your photographs, how long does it take?

    All right, but make sure you know how long it takes to do it.

    Did they even ask you how long it takes to complete?

    If we don't cross here, can you estimate how long it takes?

    Once they were in the chamber, might I know how long it takes for them to emerge?

    Once we filled up the form, we don't know how long it takes to do the rest of the paperwork.

    I don't care how long it takes--just get it done!

    Can you tell me how long it takes to write an essay?

    They said they don't mind how long it takes to finish the deck, just as long as it's built well.

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