該用 either 還是 neither?

either 是較常見的用法。

區別 either 和 neither:意思和差異

"Either" 和 "neither" 是英語中常用的兩個詞,雖然它們的拼寫相似,但意思卻截然不同。"Either" 通常用來表示兩者之中任一一個,例如「你可以選擇 either A 或 B。」而 "neither" 則表示兩者都不,包括在內的否定,例如「我不喜歡 neither A 也不喜歡 B。」在使用上,"either" 常用於正面的選擇,而 "neither" 則用於否定的情境。了解這兩個詞的區別,有助於更準確地表達自己的意思。

  • either 的例句

    例句中 either 的用法

    I can go to the park, or we can stay home; it's either one that you prefer.

    You can choose either the red dress or the blue one for the party.

    Either you finish your homework now, or you won't have time later.

    She said she would either call me tonight or text me in the morning.

    We can either take the bus or walk to the restaurant.

    Either you love it or you hate it, there's no in-between.

    He can either play the guitar or the piano at the concert.

    You should either apologize or explain your side of the story.

    Either we leave early to avoid traffic, or we risk being late.

    I will either have coffee or tea, depending on what you offer.

  • neither 的例句

    例句中 neither 的用法

    Neither of the answers was correct.

    She wanted neither coffee nor tea.

    Neither of them knew the way to the restaurant.

    The weather was neither hot nor cold.

    He was neither happy about the delay nor surprised.

    Neither choice seemed appealing to her.

    They could neither confirm nor deny the rumors.

    Neither option was available at the store.

    The results showed neither improvement nor decline.

    Neither of the plans worked out as expected.

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