該用 compose 還是 comprise?

compose 是較常見的用法。

區別 compose 和 comprise:意思和差異

「compose」和「comprise」在英文中有著不同的用法和意義。「Compose」通常指的是某個整體是由多個部分組成的,強調的是這些部分的組合過程,例如「The team is composed of five members」(這個團隊由五名成員組成)。而「comprise」則是指整體包含了某些部分,強調的是整體的範圍,例如「The team comprises five members」(這個團隊包含五名成員)。簡而言之,「compose」著重於組成的行為,而「comprise」則強調包含的結果。

  • compose 的例句

    例句中 compose 的用法

    I will compose a beautiful song for the concert.

    She decided to compose a letter to her friend.

    The artist will compose a new piece for the gallery.

    He likes to compose poetry in his free time.

    They plan to compose a report on their findings.

    Can you help me compose an email to the professor?

    The team will compose a strategy for the upcoming project.

    She hopes to compose a novel that inspires others.

    He learned how to compose music using digital tools.

    We need to compose a list of tasks for the event.

  • comprise 的例句

    例句中 comprise 的用法

    The committee will comprise experts from various fields.

    The book's chapters comprise a comprehensive overview of the subject.

    Her collection will comprise paintings from different artists.

    The team will comprise members from all departments.

    The recipe will comprise ingredients that are easy to find.

    The course will comprise lectures, discussions, and practical exercises.

    The festival will comprise performances from local musicians.

    The report will comprise data collected over the last year.

    The project will comprise several phases to ensure thoroughness.

    The exhibition will comprise works that highlight cultural diversity.

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