It was a pleasure talking to you 是較常見的用法。
這兩個句子都傳達了正面的互動感受,但它們巧妙地突顯了溝通的不同層面。「It was a pleasure talking to you」帶有較隨性和親切的語氣,適合比較非正式的交流。相對而言,「It was a pleasure speaking with you」則傳達出更正式或尊重的語氣,通常用於專業或較嚴肅的對話。總而言之,這兩種說法都能有效表達愉快的互動經驗,但用詞選擇會影響整體語調的感覺。
搜尋結果約有 428,994 筆
It was a pleasure talking to you. Thank you for agreeing to take a look at my resume.
Although our conversation was brief, it was a pleasure talking to you.
It has been a real pleasure talking to you about the most important issues of our day.
I had a pleasure talking to you earlier today, and I hope we correspond again soon.
Although we don't agree on this issue, it was a pleasure talking you you as my representative.
搜尋結果約有 224,001 筆
It was a pleasure speaking with you; I look forward to our upcoming conference.
It was a pleasure speaking with you. Please let me know if you need any more information from me.
Even though we didn't come to any conclusion,** it was a pleasure speaking with you for sure**.
The man said to the Queen, it was a real pleasure speaking with you, Your Highness.
I wasn't expecting it, but it was a real pleasure speaking with you about customer service issues today.