We cannot find vs We cannot found

인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 We cannot find 입니다

두 문구의 차이점은 무엇인가요?

"We cannot find"와 "We cannot found"는 문법적으로 중요한 차이가 있습니다. "We cannot find"는 '우리는 찾을 수 없다'라는 의미로, 동사 'find'의 현재형이 사용되어 누군가 또는 무엇인가를 찾지 못하는 상황을 표현합니다. 반면에 "We cannot found"는 문법적으로 옳지 않은 표현으로, 'found'는 일반적으로 과거형이나 다른 용도로 사용되기 때문에 이와 같은 문장은 비문이 됩니다. 따라서 올바른 표현은 "We cannot find"이며, 이를 통해 의사소통의 정확성을 높일 수 있습니다.

  • We cannot find의 예문

    검색 결과 약 31,329,562 개

    There are certain documents that, up to this day, we cannot find, search as we may.

    We are a continent that is sending USD 2 billion worth of weapons to drought-stricken Ethiopia and we cannot find a couple of helicopters to send urgently to save people drowning in Mozambique.

    Everyone knows that we cannot find a solution within a week.

    Vera, I admire your spirit, but we cannot find the next Horseman without Joshua's vision.

    Like I said, we are ready to authorize that payment to you, but we cannot find a Manford listed.

    We are trying to authorize payment of your paycheck to you. It's from a Mr. Manford via Brent Wilts, but we cannot find a Manford in our system.

    At the same time, it is also clear that we cannot find a silver bullet and there is no silver bullet.

    Why we cannot find the will to transfer a proportion of that money to secure peace on our continent by rebuilding civil society in former Yugoslavia?

    We cannot find answers within orthodox Islamic thinking.

  • We cannot found의 예문

    검색 결과 약 293,007 개

    We cannot found a business with no money at all in our pockets.

    The Founding Fathers of the United States know that they could not found a democratic country on a theocracy.

    We cannot found this institution unless we get enough signatures.

    Is there any kind of organization or program we cannot found in this city?

    Is there a restaurant in the state this man cannot found?

    She has founded several non-profit organizations.

    You cannot found a new city in the desert with no resources.

    The group could not found any more institutions to help their citizens.

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