truer 대 more true: 어느 것이 옳은 표현인가요?

인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 truer 입니다

truer 또는 more true: 뜻과 주요 차이점

"Truer"와 "more true"는 진실의 정도를 표현하는 방식에서 차이를 보입니다. "Truer"는 비교급 형용사로 사용되어, 두 대상 중 하나가 다른 대상보다 더 진실함을 강조합니다. 반면, "more true"는 형용사의 수식어로써, 보다 다양한 맥락에서 진실임을 표현할 때 사용됩니다. 두 표현 모두 유사한 의미를 가지고 있지만, 문맥에 따라 선택하는 방식이 달라질 수 있습니다. 일상적인 대화에서는 "more true"가 자연스럽게 느껴질 수 있지만, 문학적이거나 특정한 논리적 맥락에서는 "truer"가 더 적합할 수 있습니다.

  • truer 의 예문

    문장에서 truer 활용법

    검색 결과 약 793,000 개

    What I represent is the fact that anyone in America can overcome their identity limitations and be truer to themselves. Atheist Ex-Pastor Jerry DeWitt's Mission to ...

    Word forms: truer or , truest. not false, fictional, or illusory; factual or factually accurate; conforming with reality; (prenominal) being of real or natural origin; ...

    adj, truer or truest. 1. not false, fictional, or illusory; factual or factually accurate; conforming with reality. 2. (prenominal) being of real or natural origin; genuine; ...

    Antonyms for truer ...

    More words related to truer ....

    We only know they are truer because we are so much nearer the truth than they had the opportunity to come.

    truer facts have never been spoken

    Definition of SOMEONE NEVER SAID A TRUER WORD (phrase): saying that you agree completely with someone.


    The core of my theory is that some sentences involving vague terms are truer.

    There is no truer statement than that a man is more than the sum of his deeds.

    You've never said anything truer than this.

  • more true의 예문

    문장에서 more true 활용법

    검색 결과 약 501,028 개

    Use more true in a sentence. Adjective. comparative form of true: more true. English Wiktionary.

    **more true": agreeing with the facts : not false. a true description/statement. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false.

    I agree with Quasiperfect in choosing more accurate over more true.

    26 Statements That Get More True The Longer You Think About Them.

    “More true” is grammatically correct, but since truth is truth - just as correct is correct, it's not needed. 1.7K views · Answer requested by.

    More True Stories Student Book with Essential Online Resources Level 3, Silver Edition (Paperback, 4)

    And this statement could not be more true when it comes to selling on eBay.

    We need language to make sense of this world, and academics should try to provide some of this language. This is even more true since ..

    She is a more true person than most in her class.

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