인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 on August 1st 입니다
"on the 1st of August"와 "on August 1st"는 날짜를 표현하는 방법에서 차이를 보입니다. "on the 1st of August"는 보다 정중하고 공식적인 느낌을 주며, 특히 문서나 정식 초대장 등에서 자주 사용되는 표현입니다. 반면, "on August 1st"는 보다 간결하고 일상적인 상황에서 자주 쓰입니다. 두 표현 모두 의미는 같지만, 전달하고자 하는 분위기나 상황에 따라 적절히 선택하여 사용하는 것이 중요합니다.
검색 결과 약 2,483,202 개
Come and see us at the lake on August 1st. It will be a great time for all!
Are you doing anything on August 1st? If not, come and have a party in our yard.
On August 1st, the company will make a big announcement about pricing.
Anything happening on August 1st this year?
What will she be doing on the evening of August 1st?
Where were you on the night of August 1st, Mr. Campbell?
I don't know what this issue with August 1st is all about.
Is the party on August 1st or August 2nd?
검색 결과 약 533,772 개
You'll look after the tree until the 1st of August.
We won't see each other again until the 1st of August.
I expect you'll come to Warsaw, like every year, on the 1st of August to visit the boys' grave.
It may not be on the 1st of August, it may be January 8th.
Is it usually this hot around here on the 1st of August?
What is she going to do on the 1st of August?
The 1st of August is auspiciously austere and yet audacious.
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