Have a nice weekend vs Have a good weekend

인터넷 검색 결과:
사람들이 가장 자주 사용하는 표현은 Have a good weekend 입니다

두 문구의 차이점은 무엇인가요?

이 두 표현은 거의 모든 상황에서 동일한 의미로 사용되며 용법 역시 같습니다.

  • Have a good weekend의 예문

    검색 결과 약 3,690,000 개

    I hope you have a good weekend!

    I’m signing off for the day; have a good weekend, everyone!

    I’m going on a mini vacation so I can have a good weekend to myself.

    I’ve caught up on all of my housework, so I’m hoping I can have a good weekend full of relaxation.

    I think it’ll be a lot of fun and that we’re going to have a good weekend.

    I’m hoping that the team can learn from its mistakes and have a good weekend at nationals.

    After wasting so many weekends doing nothing, it’s my goal to have a good weekend this weekend.

    Hopefully we can finally have a good weekend and win the trophy.

    Thank you everyone for the help this week, and I hope you all have a good weekend.

    Thanks for your helpful tips. Have a good weekend!

    I have a good feeling about this competition and feel like I’m going to have a good weekend.

    There are many moving pieces that have to work together to ensure that every fans, players, and sponsors all have a good weekend.

    Continue reading to learn how to have a good weekend.

    That actress really did have a good weekend after nabbing that great role and winning the Oscar for her latest movie.

    The politician did not have a good weekend, as his comments caused intense backlash.

    COVID-19 cases are rising, so be safe and have a good weekend.

    If they have a good weekend, they might head back home with a trophy.

    I need to be less hard on myself when I don’t have a good weekend.

    I am going to have a good weekend regardless of whether the new video game update releases.

    Have a good weekend and rest up for another busy week.

  • Have a nice weekend의 예문

    검색 결과 약 1,440,000 개

    Have a nice weekend at your cabin!

    I want to say have a nice weekend to all of our amazing staff.

    Did you have a nice weekend?

    I hope you all have a nice weekend, and once again, thanks for the support.

    Have a nice weekend, and I’ll see you at the conference on Monday.

    We booked a fancy hotel, so we’re hoping to have a nice weekend as a family.

    To all who celebrate this holiday, and those who don’t, have a nice weekend.

    I’m excited to head to the countryside and have a nice weekend there.

    Have a nice weekend and be sure to stay cool.

    I’m going to have a nice weekend at the beach with my friend.

    We can discuss this in more detail on Monday. In the meantime, have a nice weekend!

    Have a nice weekend visiting your family.

    We didn’t play well in the last game, so we’re just going to have fun and have a nice weekend.

    I didn’t get the promotion, but I’m going to treat myself and have a nice weekend anyways.

    According to the weather forecast, we’re going to have a nice weekend.

    Can I just have a nice weekend for once?

    My Saturday was terrible, which isn’t helpful when you want to have a nice weekend.

    Read on to learn how to have a nice weekend without being overwhelmed by tourists.

    If we keep track of weather trends, we can have a nice weekend.

    Have a nice weekend off!

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