Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
Thanks for the update ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.
"Thanks for the update" suggests appreciation for a single piece of information or a specific change, indicating that the recipient provided a noteworthy development. In contrast, "Thanks for the updates" conveys gratitude for multiple pieces of information or ongoing communication, implying a broader context or a series of changes. The former is often used in response to ongoing discussions, while the latter might be used when receiving regular reports or feedback.
30,554 Ergebnisse im Internet
Thanks for the update on the SEO project.
I wanted to say thanks for the update about our yearly budget.
Thanks for updating me on this issue.
Thanks for the update you sent our team last week.
Thank you for the update on what has been happening throughout the past few months.
I wanted to thank you for the update about our current status.
"Thanks for the update" is something you say to your underling, not to your superior.
Ergebnisse im Internet
Thanks for the updates over the past few weeks during this project.
I wanted to say thanks for the updates about insurance each month.
Thank you for the constant updates on the game, honey. I really need to know about it.
Thanks for the updates, doctor. It helped us understand our son's condition more.
We wish to say thanks for the updates all through the prior season--it helped us calibrate our system.
Did she ever say thanks for the updates?
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