I laid down vs I layed down

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I laid down ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"I laid down" is grammatically correct, using the past tense of the verb "to lay," meaning to place something down. In contrast, "I layed down" is a common misspelling of "laid." The proper form should always be "laid" when describing the action of having placed oneself or something down in the past. Thus, it's important to use "laid" in formal writing to maintain accuracy.

  • Beispiele für “I laid down” im Internet

    843,001 Ergebnisse im Internet

    That day when I laid down to rest, I was dead tired.

    I laid down for a short nap and fell asleep for two hours.

    He laid down can keep them awake for now, although they might take a nap later.

    You may even wake up feeling worse than when you laid down.

    You laid down right in front of my and asked me for some of my food!

    I laid down and died that night.

    She laid down on the bed and fell instantly to sleep.

  • Beispiele für “I layed down” im Internet

    Ergebnisse im Internet

    He layed down his hammer and a little piece of steel.

    She layed down her one-month-old baby in the bassinet.

    They layed down their lives for their jobs.

    You layed down the new carpet today, right?

    Did she say that she layed down the tiles in the bathroom already?

    She layed down the sod around the perimeter of the house.

    Did you already lay down the new carpet, dear?

    I layed down the law when I was the sheriff of that small town.

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