该用 I laid down 还是 I layed down?

I laid down 是人们最常用的表达方式。

区分 I laid down 和 I layed down?:意思和差异

“I laid down”在语法上是正确的,它使用的是动词“to lay”的过去式,意思是放下东西。相比之下,“I layed down”是 “layed”的常见拼写错误。在描述过去将自己或某物放下的动作时,正确的形式应该是“laid”。因此,在正式写作中使用 “laid”来保持准确性是很重要的。总之,了解正确的用法有助于确保清晰的交流。

  • I laid down的例句

    例句中 I laid down 的用法


    That day when I laid down to rest, I was dead tired.

    I laid down for a short nap and fell asleep for two hours.

    He laid down can keep them awake for now, although they might take a nap later.

    You may even wake up feeling worse than when you laid down.

    You laid down right in front of my and asked me for some of my food!

    I laid down and died that night.

    She laid down on the bed and fell instantly to sleep.

  • I layed down的例句

    例句中 I layed down 的用法


    He layed down his hammer and a little piece of steel.

    She layed down her one-month-old baby in the bassinet.

    They layed down their lives for their jobs.

    You layed down the new carpet today, right?

    Did she say that she layed down the tiles in the bathroom already?

    She layed down the sod around the perimeter of the house.

    Did you already lay down the new carpet, dear?

    I layed down the law when I was the sheriff of that small town.

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