would have vs would of

would have 是較常見的用法。


在英語中,「would have」和「would of」常常被混淆,但實際上「would of」並不是正確的用法。「Would have」是「would」的過去完成式,通常用來表示假設的情況或未來的可能性,例如「I would have gone if I had known.」(如果我知道的話,我會去)。而「would of」則是口語中錯誤的表達,實際上應該是「would have」的縮寫形式「would've」。因此,在正式寫作或溝通中,應該始終使用「would have」來確保語法正確。

  • would have 的例句

    I would have gone to the party if I had known about it.

    She would have finished her homework earlier if she hadn't been distracted.

    They would have traveled to Europe last summer if the pandemic hadn't happened.

    He would have called you if he had your number.

    We would have seen the movie together if we had planned it in advance.

    You would have enjoyed the concert if you had come with us.

    I would have bought that dress if it had been on sale.

    She would have helped you with the project if she had known you needed assistance.

    They would have joined us for dinner if they weren't busy.

    He would have passed the exam if he had studied harder.

  • would of 的例句

    This expression is incorrect.

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