該用 whoever 還是 whomever?

whoever 是較常見的用法。

區別 whoever 和 whomever:意思和差異

"Whoever" 和 "whomever" 的區別主要在於它們在句子中的語法角色。"Whoever" 用於主格,通常作為主詞出現,例如 "Whoever wins the game will get a prize." 而 "whomever" 則用於賓格,通常作為受詞,例如 "I will give the prize to whomever wins the game." 在口語中,"whoever" 更常被使用,而 "whomever" 在正式場合中較為常見。了解這兩者的用法可以幫助我們在寫作和對話中更精確地表達意思。

  • whoever 的例句

    例句中 whoever 的用法

    Whoever finishes the project first will receive a bonus.

    Whoever wants to join the club must sign up by Friday.

    I will support whoever needs help with their studies.

    Whoever arrives late will miss the beginning of the presentation.

    Whoever can solve this puzzle is a genius.

    You can trust whoever you choose to be your partner.

    Whoever said that is mistaken about the facts.

    I admire whoever stands up for their beliefs.

    Whoever is responsible for this mess needs to clean it up.

    Whoever loves adventure should try skydiving.

  • whomever 的例句

    例句中 whomever 的用法

    The decision will be made by whomever the committee chooses.

    You can invite whomever you like to the party.

    Whomever you ask for help will surely assist you.

    I will support whomever wins the election.

    Whomever you see at the event will be friendly.

    She will give the award to whomever she believes deserves it.

    Whomever you trust with your secrets is important.

    The job will go to whomever has the best qualifications.

    Whomever you decide to hire will need to be trained.

    I will follow whomever leads the group.

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