該用 through 還是 thru?

through 是較常見的用法。

區別 through 和 thru:意思和差異

"Through" 和 "thru" 都表示「穿過」或「通過」的意思,但它們的使用場合有所不同。"Through" 是正式的拼寫,通常用於書面語和正式場合,而 "thru" 則是非正式的拼寫,常見於口語或簡訊中。雖然 "thru" 在某些情境下被接受,例如在交通標誌或快餐店的用語中,但在正式寫作中仍建議使用 "through"。因此,選擇使用哪一個詞取決於語境和所需的正式程度。

  • through 的例句

    例句中 through 的用法

    The light shone through the window early in the morning.

    She walked through the park to enjoy the fresh air.

    He read the book through to understand the plot better.

    The river flows through the valley, creating a beautiful landscape.

    They communicated through emails to finalize the project.

    The tunnel goes through the mountain, making travel easier.

    She looked through the telescope to see the stars clearly.

    He worked through the night to meet the deadline.

    The children ran through the field, laughing and playing.

    We traveled through several countries during our vacation.

  • thru 的例句

    例句中 thru 的用法

    The shortcut takes you thru the park.

    We drove thru the tunnel to reach the other side.

    She walked thru the crowd to find her friend.

    The train goes thru several small towns on its route.

    He sent the package thru the mail yesterday.

    They decided to go thru the drive-thru for dinner.

    The path leads thru the forest to the lake.

    I read the instructions thru to understand the process.

    The river flows thru the valley, creating a beautiful landscape.

    We passed thru the gate and entered the garden.

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