該用 therefore 還是 therefor?

therefore 是較常見的用法。

區別 therefore 和 therefor:意思和差異

「therefore」和「therefor」是兩個不同的英文單字,雖然它們的拼寫相似,但意思卻截然不同。「therefore」的意思是「因此」或「所以」,用來表示因果關係,例如:「他努力學習,因此考試成績優異。」而「therefor」則是「為此」或「為了這個」的意思,通常用於法律或正式文件中,表示某個行為或支付的目的,例如:「他支付了這筆款項,therefor 取得了該物品的所有權。」總結來說,「therefore」用於日常語言中,而「therefor」則較少見,主要出現在特定的正式場合。

  • therefore 的例句

    例句中 therefore 的用法

    The experiment was successful; therefore we can proceed to the next phase.

    She studied hard for the exam; therefore she was confident about her results.

    The weather was terrible; therefore the event was postponed.

    He forgot his umbrella; therefore he got soaked in the rain.

    The team worked overtime; therefore they completed the project ahead of schedule.

    She was feeling unwell; therefore she decided to stay home.

    The company reported a loss this quarter; therefore they will be cutting costs.

    He didn't follow the instructions; therefore the project failed.

    The movie received great reviews; therefore it attracted a large audience.

    They saved enough money; therefore they were able to buy a new house.

  • therefor 的例句

    例句中 therefor 的用法

    The committee approved the budget, and the funds will be allocated therefor.

    She found a solution therefor that satisfied all parties involved.

    The lawyer submitted the necessary documents therefor to expedite the process.

    He received a certificate therefor after completing the training program.

    The company issued a statement therefor to clarify the situation.

    They provided evidence therefor to support their claims in court.

    The teacher assigned extra homework therefor to reinforce the lesson.

    The organization raised funds therefor to support the local community.

    She made a donation therefor to help those in need.

    The report included recommendations therefor to improve efficiency.

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