該用 thanks for the reminder 還是 thanks for reminding me?

thanks for the reminder 是較常見的用法。

區別 thanks for the reminder 和 thanks for reminding me:意思和差異

「Thanks for the reminder」和「Thanks for reminding me」這兩種表達方式都用來表示感激,但它們之間有些微的差異。「Thanks for the reminder」通常用於對具體的提示或通知表示感謝,這種說法更適合用來回應來自外部的提醒,比如訊息或提醒。相對而言,「Thanks for reminding me」則著重於對提醒行為的感謝,強調的是與對方的互動和關係。雖然兩者都表達了感謝,但前者給人的感覺較為疏離,而後者則顯得更為親切。總而言之,選擇使用哪一種表達方式,可以根據對話的上下文和你與提醒者的關係來決定。

  • thanks for the reminder 的例句

    例句中 thanks for the reminder 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 4,670,000 筆

    But thanks for the reminder, Robin.

    Thanks for the reminder, lieutenant.

    Thanks for the reminder. You've never gone away It gives me hope

    Thanks for the reminder of years spent extracting mangled payroll checks from printers with a straightened coat hanger.

    Thanks for the reminder. @ecmullikin !!. @HambrickMS_AISD. Image. 1:18 AM · Dec 3, 2021 from Atascocita, TX·Twitter for iPhone.

    Thanks for the reminder that I STILL DON'T HAVE VEX. Edit: just got it today!

    Thanks for the reminder. Share Print. | September 11, 2019 1:00

    I want to say thank you for the reminder about the afternoon this meeting. I had totally forgot!

  • thanks for reminding me 的例句

    例句中 thanks for reminding me 的用法

    搜尋結果約有 1,480,000 筆

    Thanks for reminding me that my goat died in my arms.

    Thanks for reminding me why this didn't work last time.

    Thanks for reminding me how much fun life outside work can be.

    Thanks for reminding me about tonight.

    Thanks for reminding me, Stephen.

    But I want to say thanks for reminding me what's possible again.

    Yes, thanks for reminding me about something I tried so hard to forget.

    Thanks for reminding me how to sew--I knew I could do it.

    Thanks for reminding me that I still have no vacation days this year. It's going to be a long winter.

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