該用 purposefully 還是 purposely?

purposefully 是較常見的用法。

區別 purposefully 和 purposely:意思和差異


  • purposefully 的例句

    例句中 purposefully 的用法

    The team worked purposefully to meet the project deadline.

    She spoke purposefully, ensuring that her message was clear.

    He moved purposefully through the crowd, determined to reach his destination.

    The teacher explained the lesson purposefully, engaging all the students.

    They planned the event purposefully, considering every detail.

    She chose her words purposefully, wanting to make an impact.

    The artist painted purposefully, each stroke adding to the overall vision.

    He trained purposefully, focused on improving his performance.

    The company operates purposefully, aiming for sustainable growth.

    They approached the problem purposefully, analyzing all possible solutions.

  • purposely 的例句

    例句中 purposely 的用法

    She purposely avoided the topic during the meeting.

    He purposely left the door open to let in some fresh air.

    They purposely chose a quiet restaurant for their conversation.

    The artist purposely used bright colors to convey happiness.

    She purposely arrived late to make a grand entrance.

    He purposely misled his friends to keep the surprise party a secret.

    The teacher purposely assigned challenging homework to encourage critical thinking.

    They purposely took a longer route to enjoy the scenic views.

    She purposely wore a red dress to stand out at the event.

    He purposely omitted details to protect his friend's privacy.

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