該用 preventive 還是 preventative?

preventive 是較常見的用法。

區別 preventive 和 preventative:意思和差異

「Preventive」和「preventative」都是形容詞,意指預防的意思,但在用法上有些微差異。「Preventive」是較為正式和常用的詞彙,通常用於醫學或科學領域,例如「preventive measures」指的是預防措施。「Preventative」則較為口語化,使用頻率相對較低,常見於日常對話中。雖然兩者可以互換使用,但在正式寫作中,建議使用「preventive」以保持專業性。總的來說,兩者的意義相近,但在語境和使用上有所不同。

  • preventive 的例句

    例句中 preventive 的用法

    The doctor recommended a preventive check-up to catch any issues early.

    Many companies invest in preventive measures to ensure workplace safety.

    Regular exercise is a key component of a preventive health strategy.

    The preventive maintenance schedule helped reduce equipment failures.

    Vaccinations are an important preventive step in public health.

    She took a preventive approach to avoid potential problems in the project.

    The preventive program aims to educate the community about health risks.

    Implementing preventive policies can save money in the long run.

    The preventive measures taken during the pandemic were crucial for public safety.

    He believes that a preventive mindset can lead to better decision-making.

  • preventative 的例句

    例句中 preventative 的用法

    The preventative measures taken by the government helped reduce the spread of the virus.

    Many companies are investing in preventative training to avoid workplace accidents.

    The doctor recommended a preventative check-up to catch any potential health issues early.

    Implementing preventative strategies can save money in the long run for businesses.

    The preventative maintenance of machinery is crucial for ensuring operational efficiency.

    She believes that education is a key preventative tool against social issues.

    The preventative approach to pest control has proven to be more effective than reactive methods.

    They launched a preventative campaign to raise awareness about the importance of vaccinations.

    The preventative policies enacted by the school have significantly improved student safety.

    Investing in preventative healthcare can lead to a healthier population overall.

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