該用 paid 還是 payed?

paid 是較常見的用法。

區別 paid 和 payed:意思和差異

在英語中,「paid」和「payed」是兩個不同的詞,且用法各異。「Paid」是「pay」的過去式和過去分詞,表示已經支付或付款的意思,例如「I have paid the bill.」而「payed」則是「pay」的另一個形式,主要用於航海或航行的上下文中,表示繩索的放鬆或展開,例如「He payed out the rope.」。因此,在日常生活中,當談到付款時,應使用「paid」而非「payed」。了解這兩者的區別有助於正確使用英語。

  • paid 的例句

    例句中 paid 的用法

    I have paid my bills on time this month.

    She paid a visit to her grandmother last weekend.

    They have paid their dues to the club.

    He paid for the dinner as a surprise for her.

    The company has paid its employees a bonus this year.

    She paid close attention to the lecture.

    We have paid off our mortgage early.

    He paid the price for his mistakes.

    The tickets were paid for in advance.

    I have paid my respects at the memorial.

  • payed 的例句

    例句中 payed 的用法

    The sailors payed out the rope as the anchor dropped.

    They carefully payed the line to avoid tangles.

    He payed out the cable slowly to control the descent.

    The crew payed the anchor line to secure the boat.

    She payed out the rope until it reached the seabed.

    They payed the mooring line to adjust the boat's position.

    He payed the line while watching the depth carefully.

    The workers payed out enough rope for the boat to drift.

    They payed the chain as the ship moved closer to shore.

    The captain ordered the crew to payed out the remaining line.

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