該用 opossum 還是 possum?

opossum 是較常見的用法。

區別 opossum 和 possum:意思和差異

在動物學上,"opossum" 和 "possum" 是兩種不同的動物。Opossum 通常指的是美洲的負鼠,屬於有袋類動物,特別是在北美洲常見。相對而言,possum 則是指澳洲及其周邊地區的負鼠,屬於不同的科。這兩種動物在外觀和習性上也有一些差異,例如,opossum 的尾巴較長且無毛,而 possum 的尾巴則較短且有毛。總的來說,雖然名稱相似,但它們在地理分布和生物學上有明顯的區別。

  • opossum 的例句

    例句中 opossum 的用法

    The opossum is known for playing dead when threatened.

    Many people find the opossum to be a fascinating creature.

    In some cultures, the opossum is considered a symbol of adaptability.

    The opossum has a unique ability to climb trees with ease.

    You might spot an opossum rummaging through your trash at night.

    The opossum is a marsupial native to the Americas.

    An opossum can eat a wide variety of foods, including insects and fruits.

    Some people keep opossum as pets due to their gentle nature.

    The opossum plays an important role in controlling pests in the ecosystem.

    When threatened, the opossum can emit a foul odor to deter predators.

  • possum 的例句

    例句中 possum 的用法

    The possum is known for playing dead when threatened.

    In Australia, the possum is a common sight in urban areas.

    Many people find the possum to be a cute and interesting animal.

    The possum has a unique ability to climb trees with ease.

    At night, the possum comes out to forage for food.

    Some species of possum are endangered due to habitat loss.

    The possum is a marsupial, which means it carries its young in a pouch.

    In folklore, the possum is often depicted as a clever trickster.

    The possum plays an important role in its ecosystem by controlling pests.

    Watching a possum in the wild can be a delightful experience.

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