該用 on 還是 in?

on 是較常見的用法。

區別 on 和 in:意思和差異

在英語中,「on」和「in」是兩個常用的介系詞,它們的用法有明顯的區別。「On」通常用來表示某物位於另一物體的表面上,例如「書在桌子上」(The book is on the table)。而「In」則用來表示某物位於另一物體的內部,例如「水在杯子裡」(The water is in the cup)。此外,「on」也可以用來表示某個時間點,如「會議在星期一」(The meeting is on Monday),而「in」則常用於表示一段時間內,如「我會在三天內完成」(I will finish in three days)。了解這些差異有助於正確使用這兩個介系詞。

  • on 的例句

    例句中 on 的用法

    The cat is sitting on the windowsill.

    She placed the book on the table.

    We went for a walk on the beach.

    He turned on the lights in the room.

    The meeting is scheduled on Friday.

    I rely on my friends for support.

    The painting hangs on the wall.

    She put her phone on silent mode.

    They decided to go on a road trip.

    The teacher wrote on the blackboard.

  • in 的例句

    例句中 in 的用法

    The cat is sleeping in the sun.

    She found her keys in the drawer.

    He is interested in learning new languages.

    The book is in the backpack.

    They live in a small town.

    I saw a movie in the theater last night.

    The cookies are in the oven.

    She is in charge of the project.

    We went for a walk in the park.

    He put the letter in the mailbox.

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