該用 never mind 還是 nevermind?

never mind 是較常見的用法。

區別 never mind 和 nevermind:意思和差異

「never mind」和「nevermind」在用法上有些微的差異。「never mind」是兩個獨立的單字,通常用來表示「沒關係」或「不用在意」,在口語和書面語中都很常見。而「nevermind」則是合併成一個單字,主要用於非正式的場合,通常在口語中使用較多。雖然兩者的意思相似,但「never mind」在正式場合中更為適合。總的來說,選擇使用哪一種形式取決於語境和個人風格。

  • never mind 的例句

    例句中 never mind 的用法

    I tried to explain, but he didn't understand, so I said, "never mind."

    She forgot her keys again, but I told her, "never mind," we can get in through the back door.

    When I realized I had the wrong book, I just shrugged and said, "never mind."

    He was upset about the mistake, but I reassured him, "never mind," it happens to everyone.

    I was worried about the presentation, but my friend said, "never mind," you'll do great.

    After missing the bus, I thought about being late, but then I said, "never mind," I'll catch the next one.

    She was frustrated with the project, but I told her, "never mind," we can fix it later.

    When I spilled coffee on my shirt, I laughed and said, "never mind," it's just a little stain.

    He was concerned about the weather, but I told him, "never mind," we can still have fun indoors.

    I was worried about the exam results, but my teacher said, "never mind," focus on the next one.

  • nevermind 的例句

    例句中 nevermind 的用法

    I told him to stop worrying, but he just said, "nevermind."

    She was upset about the mistake, but I told her, "nevermind," it happens to everyone.

    When I asked if he wanted to join us, he replied, "nevermind," I have other plans.

    I was going to explain the situation, but she waved her hand and said, "nevermind."

    After realizing I forgot my wallet, I just said, "nevermind," and left the store.

    He started to apologize, but I interrupted him with, "nevermind," it's not a big deal.

    She was about to ask a question, but then she thought better of it and said, "nevermind."

    I was going to tell her my secret, but I changed my mind and said, "nevermind."

    When he asked if I needed help, I smiled and said, "nevermind," I've got it covered.

    I wanted to discuss the issue further, but I decided to just say, "nevermind," and move on.

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