more than vs over

more than 是較常見的用法。


在英語中,「more than」和「over」都可以用來表示數量的超過,但它們的用法有所不同。「More than」通常用於強調數量或程度,特別是在正式或書面語中,例如「more than ten people」表示超過十個人。而「over」則較為口語化,常用於描述數量或範圍,例如「over a hundred」表示超過一百。雖然兩者在某些情況下可以互換使用,但在正式場合中,「more than」會更為合適。總的來說,選擇使用哪一個取決於語境和語氣的需求。

  • more than 的例句

    I have more than enough time to finish the project.

    She loves to read more than anything else in the world.

    This restaurant serves more than just pizza; they have a variety of dishes.

    He has traveled to more than ten countries in the last year.

    The book contains more than a hundred pages of valuable information.

    I need more than one opinion before making a decision.

    There are more than five reasons to support this initiative.

    She earns more than her colleagues due to her experience.

    The movie was more than I expected; it was truly amazing.

    He has more than enough skills to succeed in this field.

  • over 的例句

    The cat jumped over the fence.

    She poured the water over the plants.

    He looked over the documents carefully.

    The plane flew over the mountains.

    They spread a blanket over the grass.

    The teacher went over the homework with the students.

    The bridge goes over the river.

    She placed a cover over the cake.

    The sun set over the horizon.

    He threw the ball over the wall.

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