該用 maybe 還是 may be?

maybe 是較常見的用法。

區別 maybe 和 may be:意思和差異

"maybe" 和 "may be" 在用法上有明顯的區別。 "maybe" 是一個副詞,表示「或許」或「可能」,用來表達不確定性。例如:也許明天會下雨。相對地,"may be" 是一個動詞短語,表示「可能是」或「可以是」,通常用於描述某種情況或狀態。例如:他可能是我的朋友。總結來說,"maybe" 用於表達不確定性,而 "may be" 則用於描述可能性。

  • maybe 的例句

    例句中 maybe 的用法

    I will go to the party, but maybe I will stay home instead.

    She said she would call, but maybe she forgot.

    Maybe we should try that new restaurant for dinner.

    I’m not sure if it will rain, but maybe we should bring an umbrella.

    He might join us later, maybe around 8 PM.

    Maybe I’ll take a vacation next month if I can find the time.

    I’ll finish my homework now, and maybe I can watch a movie later.

    Maybe it’s time to start a new hobby or learn something new.

    I’ll ask her out, but maybe she’s not interested.

    Maybe we can meet up this weekend if you’re free.

  • may be 的例句

    例句中 may be 的用法

    The weather may be nice tomorrow.

    She may be the one who called you.

    This may be the best decision we've made.

    He may be late for the meeting.

    They may be interested in joining the club.

    The answer may be hidden in the text.

    It may be a good idea to check the schedule.

    Your suggestion may be worth considering.

    This may be a sign of good luck.

    The project may be completed ahead of time.

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