該用 lose 還是 loose?

lose 是較常見的用法。

區別 lose 和 loose:意思和差異

「lose」和「loose」是兩個常被混淆的英文單字。首先,「lose」是動詞,意思是「失去」或「輸掉」,例如「I don’t want to lose my keys.」(我不想失去我的鑰匙)。而「loose」則是形容詞,表示「鬆的」或「不緊的」,例如「These pants are too loose for me.」(這條褲子對我來說太鬆了)。因此,記住「lose」與失去有關,「loose」則與鬆弛有關,可以幫助我們正確使用這兩個單字。

  • lose 的例句

    例句中 lose 的用法

    I don't want to lose my keys again.

    If you don't study, you might lose your chance to pass the exam.

    She was afraid to lose her best friend after the argument.

    It's easy to lose track of time when you're having fun.

    He didn't want to lose the opportunity to travel abroad.

    You should be careful not to lose your temper during the meeting.

    They decided to lose weight together for a healthier lifestyle.

    I hate to lose my favorite book; it's irreplaceable.

    Sometimes, you have to lose something to gain something better.

    Don't be afraid to lose; it's part of the game.

  • loose 的例句

    例句中 loose 的用法

    The shirt was too loose for him to wear comfortably.

    She decided to buy a loose dress for the summer party.

    The dog managed to escape because the gate was loose.

    He prefers loose fitting jeans over tight ones.

    The loose ends of the rope were fraying and needed to be tied.

    Her loose interpretation of the rules caused some confusion.

    The loose soil made it easy to plant the flowers.

    He likes to keep his schedule loose to allow for spontaneity.

    The loose change in his pocket jingled as he walked.

    They found a loose tile in the bathroom that needed to be fixed.

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