該用 let's 還是 lets?

let's 是較常見的用法。

區別 let's 和 lets:意思和差異

「let's」和「lets」在用法上有明顯的區別。「let's」是「let us」的縮寫,通常用來表示提議或邀請,例如「let's go」意指「我們去吧」。而「lets」則是動詞「let」的第三人稱單數形式,表示允許或讓某人做某事,例如「he lets me play」意指「他讓我玩」。因此,使用時要根據句子的語境來選擇正確的形式。

  • let's 的例句

    例句中 let's 的用法

    Let's go to the park and enjoy the sunshine.

    I think let's try that new restaurant tonight.

    If you're free, let's catch up over coffee this weekend.

    Let's not forget to bring our tickets for the concert.

    How about let's watch a movie after dinner?

    Let's make a plan for our vacation next month.

    I believe let's start the meeting at 10 AM sharp.

    Let's work together to finish this project on time.

    Why don't let's invite our friends to the barbecue?

    Let's celebrate your birthday with a surprise party!

  • lets 的例句

    例句中 lets 的用法

    The new software lets users manage their tasks more efficiently.

    She lets her dog run freely in the park every morning.

    This recipe lets you make a delicious cake in just 30 minutes.

    Our school lets students borrow books from the library for free.

    He lets his little brother use his tablet on weekends.

    The manager lets employees work remotely if they need to.

    This app lets you track your daily expenses with ease.The new policy lets students choose their own elective subjects.

    The movie lets audiences experience the story from multiple perspectives.

    Her calm demeanor lets everyone feel relaxed during stressful situations.

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